July things

Time is flying by. I get to write up my monthly recap again. This month I have walked around a lot. Met a few new people and hung out with friends.

July, also known as Pokemon Go month. The craze has hit us and we all want to be the very best. It is currently winter here and that put a bit of a damper on wandering around during the late evenings. We did brave the cold a few nights to attend some events. We spend a Sunday at the beach, snacking and catching Pokemon as part of a large group. We met quite a bit of new people. People living right in our area who we have never seen. I love how this game is bringing people together.

Our old phones were not capable of supporting the game, but luckily we were both due for an upgrade. I wish I could say the upgrade went smooth, but after numerous calls and apologies I finally had a working phone and sim. As a client of 6 years I did expect better, but I am just happy to have this upgrade over with. Boo for bad service.

Our friends has been nagging us for ages to watch Archer. According to them it is an awesome show. One Sunday we decided to give it a go. We are hooked. We are working our way through all the seasons. Thank you Netflix! That Archer is something else, I am sure a lot of the lines will work their way into our life.


This month has been good for us financially. We were able to finish up with the payment of one of the retail accounts. It feels good to gain back control of our money. Sadly a car part needs to be replaced soon. How life has a way of throwing things your way.

I went back to the hair salon to get the pink put back into my fringe. I must say, I really enjoy this little bit of rebellion. I stand out slightly, but not so much that it is inappropriate for work.

I picked up a copy of The Girl on the train from the second hand store. I am excited to start reading this book. I am hoping to finish it before the movie comes out, as the movie and book generally does not tell the same story.

All in all, this was a good month. We have no exciting plans for August, will see what this new month bring for us.

Mona – gotta catch em all! #teamInstinct


  1. Have you started The Girl on the Train? I didn’t like it all that much, I found it a little lacklustre, but it was an alright read in the end. I still don’t quite get the hype around in though that’s for sure.


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